Meet Sarah, Our lead veterinarian. Sarah graduated from the University of Bristol, UK in 2013 with an intercalated degree in Animal Behaviour and Welfare. After graduating, she spent time working at the SPCA in Fiji, then undertook several years as a mixed animal vet before moving to small animal practice full time. She has worked at a variety of practices in the UK as a vet, a Clinical Director, and most recently as the Lead Mentor and Development Manager for a large group of practices in South West England.

Sarah completed a post graduate certificate in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care in 2021.

Looking for a new adventure, Sarah and her family relocated to Sydney in March 2024, to join the Sylvania
team as their Lead Veterinarian.

Outside of work, Sarah enjoys spending time with her young family, experimenting with sourdough bread
baking, and continuing to learn Swedish.