Like humans, dogs can develop dental problems, which, if left untreated, can lead to discomfort, bad breath, tooth loss, and even more severe health concerns.  Regular tooth brushing is a simple but effective way to help prevent these issues and keep your dog’s teeth and gums in great condition.

Teeth cleaning essentials

Before you begin, gather the necessary tools.

  • Pet-specific toothbrush
    There are various toothbrush products specifically designed for pets, such as a finger brush or a double-headed toothbrush.
  • Pet toothpaste
    It comes in flavours like chicken or beef and is safe for pets to swallow. Never use human toothpaste, which can be toxic for animals.
  • Treats or rewards
    Have some treats on hand to reward your dog for their co-operation.

Slow and steady for success

With your dog comfortably seated, gently introduce the toothbrush and toothpaste. Keep their favourite treats handy for rewards! Allow them to sniff and taste the toothpaste before you start brushing. Patience is key, but this initial effort will be worthwhile. Ideally, start brushing your dog’s teeth when they are still young, so they get used to the process.

Keep your dog’s teeth healthy with a Best for Pet Wellness Plan

Have you heard of our Wellness Plan?

Designed to make it easier to access routine preventative healthcare services, our Wellness Plans are the best way to keep your pet healthier and happier for longer, all for a low monthly fee.

  • Unlimited vet consultations

  • $250 off a dental treatment

  • Annual core vaccinations, plus more!

The brushing routine

During the first few brushing sessions, limit the time to just a minute or two and keep it brief. As your dog adapts to the toothpaste, gradually increase the brushing duration. Begin at the front of their mouth and slowly work your way around their teeth. Position the toothbrush where their teeth and gums meet, and brush in a circular motion. Maintain a 45-degree angle and focus on the tooth’s base and spaces between teeth. Once you’ve finished brushing your dog’s teeth, reward them with a treat for a job well done.

Regular dental check-ups

Just like us, keeping up with regular dental check-ups is key to maintaining good oral health. Book an appointment for a thorough dental check-up, and find out if your clinic offers the Best for Pet wellness plan to receive a $250 discount on dental cleaning.

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Book a FREE dental assessment

Book a FREE dental assessment

Keep your dog’s smile healthy! Book a free dental assessment at your local vet today.